Wednesday 5 December 2012

Lush Grease Lightning Review!

 I mentioned this briefly in my November favourites post which you can read here! I have absolutely nothing but good words about this product and I have heard nothing but good words! I bought this ages ago and it has lasted ages even though the bottle doesn't look that big! I have just repurchased this!

This costs £5.95 which I think is amazing for the amount of product and the quality of product you get! I apply this product at night, in morning the spot has pretty much gone or reduced considerably in size! This is the only spot treatment that has worked for me, I have tried the Body Shop tea tree oil which is very very strong and dries my skin out! But I didn't find it actually did anything! 

The consistency is like a gel, I like the texture as it doesn't feel like it is drying at all! The bottle is a pump so it's super easy to get out and you don't ever accidently squeeze out more product than you need which always seemed to happen with the Body Shop one! 

Overall I would give this product a 10/10! I have no negative things to say about it as it works amazing for me! 


  1. Wow this sounds great :) I'd love to try this. Tea tree oil always dries my skin out too! xx

    1. You definitely should! The body shop one was SO drying on my skin!


  2. great review, it sounds amazing!

  3. this sounds good I'm really torn between this and the Origins one that everyone hypes up xxxx

    1. I'm hopefully getting the origins one for christmas! Will do a comparison post! :) xx

  4. This sounds fab, I'm really intrigued by this and the Origins Super Spot Remover - I always love a bit of Lush though!

  5. I've recently used up my Origins spot remover, but it's so expensive for such a tiny vial! I think I definitely need to try the Lush one out!

    Beauty Challenged
